

Network Status Update Across University Halls of Residence

Please avoid connecting personal Wi-Fi routers or boosters to UoM Wireless Access Points. These devices can interfere with other users’ Wi-Fi access and pose security risks. Unauthorized access to your network may also occur.

The Hornet Management Team

Welcome to Halls!

This site will allow you to register your devices for the Hornet network and report any connection issues.

To register with Hornet, you need to have completed the IT Signup, with your University username.

Once you have registered with Hornet, and agreed to our Terms and Conditions, you can manage your account details including:

  • Change your device registered to use the internet and add additional computers or devices
  • Log a request for help and support
  • Contact the Hornet Rep assigned to your problem
  • View your current and fixed problems
  • Ask for advice about using the Hornet service
  • Zone 1 Zone 2
    Ashburne Hall Burkhardt House
    Dalton Ellis Hall Canterbury Court
    Oak House George Kenyon
    Richmond Park Horniman House
    Sheavyn House Hulme Hall
    Whitworth Park St. Anselms Hall
    Woolton Hall Unsworth Park
    Register your device / log a problem Uttley House
    Register your device
    Log a problem